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2024 Festival

The 2024 festival will take place from June 24 to July 6, online. (There will be a meeting for participants on the evening of June 23, before the festival begins.)


Classes at Cellisimo normally start at 10am (Boston time) and last all day until around 6pm.


Registration for the festival is US $2,000.

The festival offers full and partial scholarships for all participants. To apply for a scholarship, please complete the appropriate section on the application form.



The appilications for the 2024 Cellisimo Festival are currently closed.

Important dates

Applications closes on May 17.

Selected participants will be announced on May 31.


Are you under 15 or over 24?

You can see all the master classes at the festival!  They are open and free to members of the Cellísimo Facebook Group. Join today!


For questions or more information:


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