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These students need YOUR support

The mission of the festival is to give access to talented students incredible musical opportunities. Despite their great talent, the students have limited resources in order to afford this opportunity. Every student needs substantial help toward their tuition, many need full scholarships. Tuition is $2,000.


Donate today!

Festival Virtual Cellisimo is a 501(c)3 under the umbrella of Fractured Atlas. 

Thank you for considering supporting these amazingly talented students!

To view the donor brochure,
press here: 

"To be part of a unique community like this one is the best gift anyone could give me. I found

myself surrounded by people that love music and cello like I do, and who I was able to

communicate with in my native language. That was a priceless experience and I will never

forget it"

Adan Caldera, Venezuela/ Panama

"It had a very big impact on me, I had always wanted to be in a cello festival but I had never had the opportunity for financial reasons. I learned a lot from each teacher and each participant... it was a wonderful festival where my perspective shifted on many things in music and in my life. I am so thankful."

Nancy Olivares, Mexico




Mexican participants sponsored by the United States Embassy in Mexico 

"Dream Maker" (U.S. $2,000+) 

Benjamin Zander

Rosamund Zander

Moishe Kushner

Hadassah and Ralph Kramer Artist Fund

Minda and Manher Jariwala

Jerri and Leticia Jariwala

"Benefactor" (U.S. $1,000+) 

Jeney Rodamor

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift 

Steve y Angela Bileca- in honor of Hadassah y Ralph Kramer

"Supporter" (U.S. $500+) 

Carole Turkenik and Ronald Waterbury

Bree Warren

"Music Lover" (U.S. $250+)

Ellen and Leonard Parker- in honor of their grandchildren Hanna, Lena, Noam y Hadas 

Janet Selcer- in honor her her father, Ben Selcer, violist with the Cleveland Symphony

Chuck Epstein

Juan Prawda

"Friend" (U.S. $25-$225) 
Howard and Michele Sumka 

Robert Chang 

Elizabeth Vandor 

Roxan Jurkevich 

Rose Anne Negele- en honor de su hermano Tom Meeks

Tania Erlij- en honor del cumpleaños de Katyusha 

Diane Ducoffg

Lila Buklin

Dan Harp 

Lucia Maya- en honor de Jane Hans 

Howard Kirsch 

Adam Levin 

Kristen Patten 

Marlene Gilbert 

Christine Lamprea 

Sarah Muncey 

Lynn Foster

Phoebe Carrai

Adán Colón-Carmona 

Nina Parker

Aristides Rivas 

Eva Heinstein 

Aryeh and Rochelle Sherman

Jennie and Josh Halperin Tetenbaum

Judith Morrison- en honor de Dr. Kenneth Hoffman y Aliza Parker 

Ilana Sumka

Julia Negele 

Alisa Kramer 

Pamela Burger

Mark Hurvitz 

Noa Shein 

David Hero

David Heimann- en honor de Lester Heimann

Lauren Austrian-Parke 

Ruth Anne Baumgartner- en honor de su mamá, que tocaba el cello

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